Since June 2014 numerous local residents have expressed the wish to see a shop for organic produce open in Gourdon. Under their impetus the association Bio S’Faire was set up early 2015 in support of this idea. (Feasibility study to examine the finance; the creation, organisation and employment possibilities, as well as any other activity connected with the operation and continuity of the project).
Setting up a local shop, run by the employees, the producers and the consumers is our ambition! It is for that reason that we are suggesting that you participate in this real social enterprise, both ecological and durable.
Consumers and producers, we are working together to open an organic shop. Support Bio S’Faire en Bouriane!
Our Partners
Following the ratification of our project by the Biocoop Admission Committee, dated 11<sup>th</sup> May 2015, we are officially integrated into the Biocoop Network, which becomes our partner. We have made this choice for the following reasons: It is a long-established business, both co-operative and combative, a network known for its professionalism and ethics. We shall benefit from their serious and competent in-house training. Leader in the commercialisation of organic products, with over 30 years experience, 357 shops (as at 1<sup>st</sup> January 2015), a chain of shops characterised by a choice of produce meeting the best selective criteria.
In addition, Denis, manager of Biocoop in Cahors, is supporting us in bringing the project to fruition. In accordance with the network Biocoop principles of expansion, we thus benefit from his experience as both founder and manager, but also his knowledge of the company and his financial assistance.
In what Way ?
This financial participation will enable the association Bio S’Faire en Bouriane to set up the organic shop.
Rather than an independent business, we have chosen another way of starting up : we intend to integrate the Biocoop network in the form of a co-operative company (
SCIC), a status close to our values, a true link between us.
In effect, this project is the issue of different factors of economic life (consumers, local producers, future employees) and it is the bond between us which brings it about. This reciprocity of responsibilities and decisions is for us an essential motive.
Practically speaking, we need more co-operation, discussion and participation concerning the direction to take, and the agreements to be made with the local producers, the consumers, employees and others interested in the project.
This financial participation will enable the association Bio S’Faire en Bouriane to set up the organic shop.
Rather than an independent business, we have chosen another way of starting up : we intend to integrate the Biocoop network in the form of a co-operative company ( SCIC), a status close to our values, a true link between us. les-scic/les-scic/qu-est-ce-qu-une-/fr/ scic.html
In effect, this project is the issue of different factors of economic life (consumers, local producers, future employees) and it is the bond between us which brings it about. This reciprocity of responsibilities and decisions is for us an essential motive.
Practically speaking, we need more co-operation, discussion and participation concerning the direction to take, and the agreements to be made with the local producers, the consumers, employees and others interested in the project.
Le porteur de projet
_ ** ** _
In 2015 the association Bio S’Faire en Bouriane has been set up in Gourdon in the Lot (region 46 Bourian), the purpose of which is to open an organic shop in 2016 (last quarter).
Amongst the fifty members of the association, seven of them are actively pursuing the raising of finance, the development of the project and making the local population aware of the scheme. The majority of the instigators of this project are also hoping to find their future employment there. They have started training courses in the different aspects of setting up and management of an organic shop.
Claire-Emilie : A computer technician on maternity leave; I havejoined the Group because I should like to contribute to the development of more reasonable consumer habits in respect of the environment.
Paul : An organic farmer in St Germain du Bel Air for twenty years up until 2013. I was then employed by Biocoop in Cahors. A few months later, following several requests from old clients, including AMAP (consumer association) in Gourdon, I began to approach and muster various interested people in and around the town.
Charline : After five years in education, I have chosen a way of life which respects, and is close to nature. (Wwoofing, employment in Biocoop, eco-construction)
Nathalie : Trained as an accountant, and now living in the Lot for two-and-a-half years, I have made the choice to look after my children. As a future resident in the eco-hamlet, Andral, the Biocoop project falls within my preference for local and organic produce.
Anne : A teacher of French and Foreign Languages, this project allows me at last to consolidate my professional activity with my philosophy of life.
José : In 2010 I was still working with computers in the Paris area. Following the loss of my job I had time to reflect, and to discover groups of people working for a better life, more human, simpler and healthier; such as an organic diet and eco-housing. In 2012 I moved to the Lot to partake in the construction of the eco-hamlet, Andral.
Denis : Manager of the Biocoop shop in Cahors since 2007, I have a solid experience of local business and a sound knowledge of organic produce and the Biocoop chain. It is the sharing and development of organic farming which motivates me. I should like to share my experience in setting up an organic shop. I believe that the future is for local and private enterprise, because it is for us to construct the world we want.
What is my contribution for?
Describe your project goal
To achieve our goal we are taking this chance with the financial support of the local population.
To realise the project we need to finance:
- 2 weeks Biocoop in-house training for 4 participants in the project => 13,000€
- The building and related works (270m2 shop-floor surface + 100m2 stores and offices) => 90,000€
- Shop fittings (refrigerators, computers, furniture, etc) => 60,000€
- Initial stocks of produce => 40,000€
The total sum is estimated to be 203,000 €. However, we are hoping to reduce this amount by buying second-hand equipment in accordance with our “salvage” policy.
Contributions received will enable us to finance part of the equipment (fridges, cold-rooms, furniture, cash registers, scales...).
Further finance will be obtained through bank and private loans, the financial support of other Biocoop shops and the investment in the SCIC shares.
Training courses
13 000 €
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Construction works
90 000 €
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60 000 €
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40 000 €
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203 000 €
Our goal : 20 000€
If the sum raised is above 20,000€, this will allow us to reduce the bank loan and, above all, show that it is possible to realise such a project with the support of the population.
Les contreparties
- 10 € => a “symbol” on the wall of the shop. An imprint, a signature, a photo... we are still considering ways to show the participation of each of you in the shop itself. Let us have your ideas!
- 20 € => a Biocoop bag in fair trade organic cotton + “symbol”
- 30 € => a basket “nut” made up from local products + Biocoop bag + “symbol”
- 50 € => a basket “apple” made up from local products + Biocoop bag + “symbol”
- 100 € => a basket “pumpkin” made up from local products + Biocoop bag + “symbol”
- 200 € => a meal with local producers for 2 people + Biocoop Bag + symbol
- 500 € => Dinner, overnight & breakfast at the home of one of the producers for 2 people + Biocoop bag + symbol.
These items will be available from the second year of the shop’s operation.
You may of course make contributions without accepting the above, or choose to take less than suggested.