Published on 11/01/2018

Compost booster de dons ;-)

Jusqu'à la fin du financement participatif le 24 Janvier, chaque don réalisé sera doublé ! On compte sur vous !!!

Published on 06/01/2018

La presse locale parle de nous !

Lundi 1er Janvier, Nice Matin publiait un article sur la version web de leur journal, et hier (Vendredi 5 Janvier), nous étions sur la version papier! Un beau début pour commencer l'année ! Encore 19 jours pour atteindre nos objectifs, merci de nous aider à diffuser cette campagne !!! Meilleurs voeux de la part de toute l'équipe !

Published on 20/12/2017

Les ateliers pour enfants au Jardin du Petit Pessicart

Pendant que notre coordinatrice et formatrice en Permaculture actualise ses connaissances à la Convergence Internationnale de Permaculture (avec Vandana Shiva, David Holmgren ou encore François Léger d'AgroParisTech) et se forme à la "Permaculture in schools", le Jardin accueille des enfants. Voici un court documentaire montrant quels ateliers s'y déroulent, qui les anime... et ce qui nous anime !

Bon voyage :-)

€ 7,845
pledged over € 6,734 goal

This project was successful on 25/01/2018

1er palier atteint ! Merci.
2e objectif : 9142,20€

For € 5.00 or more

1 presale


Every move matters! You will have our eternal gratitude and our thanks on our web site and our social networks.

2533 of 2534 available

For € 10.00 or more

23 presales


"Seed" reward + a postcard of the watercolor Garden design, dedicated by the team.

677 of 700 available

For € 20.00 or more

26 presales


"Seedling" reward + your name on the big wooden sign " All this exists thanks to ... ", in the middle of our garden.

674 of 700 available

For € 35.00 or more

13 presales


"Plantlet" reward + sponsoring of a long-lived vegetable of the edible forest which you will be invited to plant!

37 of 50 available

For € 50.00 or more

14 presales


“Plant“ reward + sponsoring of a shrub on our garden terraces which you will be invited to plant !

56 of 70 available

For € 75.00 or more

5 presales


“Plantlet” reward + sponsoring of a tree which you will be invited to plant, with your name on a wooden sign !

35 of 40 available

For € 100.00 or more

12 presales


“Plantlet” reward + 1 collective discovering course of Hangdrum (in the forest!) or 1 collective introductory permaculture workshop.

28 of 40 available

For € 150.00 or more

4 presales


“Plant” reward + zero waste picnic under the stars with astronomy session (from the spring !)

36 of 40 available

For € 200.00 or more

1 presale


“Shrub” reward + 1 individual introductory permaculture workshop.

9 of 10 available

For € 300.00 or more

2 presales


“Tree” reward + 1 personalized permaculture design introductory course on the land of your choice !

5 of 7 available

For € 500.00 or more

0 presale


“Shrub” reward + Dream week end ''Perma Well Being'' : 2 days and 1 night about well being: ayurvedic massage in the forest, "alive food" lunch and juice from extractor, night in a nice studio near the garden, yoga, Qi Gong or meditation course, all for 2 person !

4 of 4 available

42 backers didn't choose a reward.

Published on 11/01/2018

Compost booster de dons ;-)

Jusqu'à la fin du financement participatif le 24 Janvier, chaque don réalisé sera doublé ! On compte sur vous !!!

Published on 06/01/2018

La presse locale parle de nous !

Lundi 1er Janvier, Nice Matin publiait un article sur la version web de leur journal, et hier (Vendredi 5 Janvier), nous étions sur la version papier! Un beau début pour commencer l'année ! Encore 19 jours pour atteindre nos objectifs, merci de nous aider à diffuser cette campagne !!! Meilleurs voeux de la part de toute l'équipe !

Published on 20/12/2017

Les ateliers pour enfants au Jardin du Petit Pessicart

Pendant que notre coordinatrice et formatrice en Permaculture actualise ses connaissances à la Convergence Internationnale de Permaculture (avec Vandana Shiva, David Holmgren ou encore François Léger d'AgroParisTech) et se forme à la "Permaculture in schools", le Jardin accueille des enfants. Voici un court documentaire montrant quels ateliers s'y déroulent, qui les anime... et ce qui nous anime !

Bon voyage :-)

€ 7,845
pledged over € 6,734 goal

This project was successful on 25/01/2018

1er palier atteint ! Merci.
2e objectif : 9142,20€

For € 5.00 or more

1 presale


Every move matters! You will have our eternal gratitude and our thanks on our web site and our social networks.

2533 of 2534 available

For € 10.00 or more

23 presales


"Seed" reward + a postcard of the watercolor Garden design, dedicated by the team.

677 of 700 available

For € 20.00 or more

26 presales


"Seedling" reward + your name on the big wooden sign " All this exists thanks to ... ", in the middle of our garden.

674 of 700 available

For € 35.00 or more

13 presales


"Plantlet" reward + sponsoring of a long-lived vegetable of the edible forest which you will be invited to plant!

37 of 50 available

For € 50.00 or more

14 presales


“Plant“ reward + sponsoring of a shrub on our garden terraces which you will be invited to plant !

56 of 70 available

For € 75.00 or more

5 presales


“Plantlet” reward + sponsoring of a tree which you will be invited to plant, with your name on a wooden sign !

35 of 40 available

For € 100.00 or more

12 presales


“Plantlet” reward + 1 collective discovering course of Hangdrum (in the forest!) or 1 collective introductory permaculture workshop.

28 of 40 available

For € 150.00 or more

4 presales


“Plant” reward + zero waste picnic under the stars with astronomy session (from the spring !)

36 of 40 available

For € 200.00 or more

1 presale


“Shrub” reward + 1 individual introductory permaculture workshop.

9 of 10 available

For € 300.00 or more

2 presales


“Tree” reward + 1 personalized permaculture design introductory course on the land of your choice !

5 of 7 available

For € 500.00 or more

0 presale


“Shrub” reward + Dream week end ''Perma Well Being'' : 2 days and 1 night about well being: ayurvedic massage in the forest, "alive food" lunch and juice from extractor, night in a nice studio near the garden, yoga, Qi Gong or meditation course, all for 2 person !

4 of 4 available

42 backers didn't choose a reward.